Our Team

Favorite native plant: Andropogon ternarius (Splitbeard Bluestem Grass)

tea povolny

Owner and Founder


Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Lionel Hampton-Beecher Hills Park


Favorite Native Plant: Nymphaea odorata 'Georgia Peach' (Hardy Water Lily)



Field Technician and Marketing Manager


Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Oakland Cemetery


Favorite Native Plant: Symphyotrichum pilosum (Frost Aster)

Gabriel Mills

Field Technician

Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Chattahoochee River NRA


Favorite native plant: Adiantum pedatum (Maidenhair Fern)

Iman Khan

Field Technician

Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Blue Heron Nature Preserve

Favorite native plant: Lysimachia quadrifolia (Whorled Loosestrife)

Lauren Berrigan

Operations Manager


Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Outdoor Activity Center


Favorite native plant: Diamorpha smallii (Elf-Orpine)

Kara Holland

Field Technician and Operations Associate


Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Doll’s Head Trail


Favorite Native Plant: Magnolia macrophylla (Bigleaf Magnolia)

Angelo-a Hernandez

Field Technician

Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Proctor Creek Greenway


Favorite native plant: Magnolia fraseri (Fraser Magnolia)

Lo Pararo

Field Technician

Favorite native plant: Conoclinium coelestinum (Blue Mistflower)



Lead Technician


Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Arabia Mountain


Favorite native plant: Calycanthus floridus (Carolina Allspice)

Jackson Lilly

Field Technician

Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Stone Mountain Park


Favorite native plant: Oxalis grandis (Wood Sorrel)

Irene Ruby

Field Technician

Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Frazer Forest


Favorite native plant: Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip Poplar)

Mei Keller

Field Technician

Favorite Atlanta Greenspace: Fernbank Forest